10 Awesome Tips You Can Learn From Our Blog For Luminar 4.

 A couple of weeks back Skylum launched Luminar 4 at the time. I did a review of the new features and found that theediting tools and interface had changed significantly since then i've noticedquite a few people struggling to use luminar for especially those who used touse luminar 3 if this is you in today's blog0 i'm going to help you get a betterunderstanding of how to work with the new interface and if you're completelynew user to luminar you can think of this blog as a QuickStart tutorial.

Luminar 4 tutorial

 let's get underway by looking at the library module there are two modules youcan work with in luminar there's the library module where you can organizeand manage your files and there's the Edit module which we'll look at shortlyto edit our image in the library module you can see a grid of images thesethumbnails show the images in the folder that you have selected folders onlyappear here after you've imported them the library alsoto create albums an album is a collection of images thatyou want to group together and you can select these images from multiplefolders when you want to add an image to an album you can drag and drop it fromthe grid the library also has some simplefeatures to help you better manage your images for example you can add a starrating to indicate your best images you can also mark images as favoritesusing this icon and you can set color labels which have any meaning that youwant to attach to them it's the then possible to filter yourphotos to show only those with a certain star rating or which are marked as favorites or thathave a color label after selecting an image in the libraryyou can switch to the edit module to apply your adjustmentsthis is where most of the interface changes occurred to help explain thechanges I'm going to edit this image luminar supports the idea of looks andthese have ready-made presets you can apply to an image you can display theinstalled looks by clicking the icon at the top of the interface.

 The differentlooks are then organized into categories once you've found and applied a look toan image you can adjust the strength or amount of that look now if you'vepreviously used luminar I'm going to ask you to forget everything you know aboutit until we get to the end of this editing luminar supports a layer basedediting system by default every image you open has a base layer which you canadjust when I selected one of the looks it'sapplied these adjustments to the image now in the old version of luminar if youwanted to adjust an image you needed to add individual filters from a list image you'll find these grouped under the icons on theright for example we've got the essentials notice some of these have thetitles highlighted those are the changes that were applied when I applied thislook each look has its own different changes notice that was completelydifferent when you've clicked one of these iconsyou notice all the filters you have available to you in the essentials groupI can see all the adjustment filters that help me correct and refine an imageand these are the ones you should start with once you've done that you canswitch to the creative adjustments for a different set of filters here we can seethings like the sky replacement filter as well as filters to add glowingeffects these are all examples of special effects.

 Which is why they appearin the creative category we also have a portrait category and this is to helpyou adjust photos of people then there's the pro filters which contains slightlymore advanced adjustments now having applied an initial look to this imagethe next thing I'm going to do is fix a couple of problems and I'll do this byclicking the canvas icon first I'm going to correct the lensdistortion in the image and I'll do this using the geometry controls as I applythe adjustment watch what happens to the vignette in the corners of the frame I'm also going to take the option toremove chromatic aberration finally I'll use the deviating slider to lighten theedges of the frame where there's a problem with light fall-off I can alsosee some dust spots on my image and I'm going to fix these using the clone andstamp mode first I'm going to select the area touse for my repair   I'll then configure my brush settings   Now I can paint over the areas I want tofix   when I'm finished I can click the donebutton to apply my changes because the clone and stunt layer thatI've used creates a new copy of the image if I go back and make any changesto my original adjustments you won't see them   if I want to make further adjustments Ineed to add my changes to the clone and stunt layer or add another layer abovethis for this example.

 I'll continue to work with the clone andstamp layer I'll start by adding some adjustments in the essentials group torefine the light and color of my image   note says that there's also anAdvanced Settings section and this appears in many of the filters thissection contains additional adjustments and quite a few of these have come fromthe filters that we're in lumen are three but aren't in lumen are four thisis how they've managed to rationalize the filters to a more manageable list   let's now add some structure toemphasize the shape of these rocks in the foreground now because this filter effectsentire image we need to use a mask to limit where the effects applied   all the filters have individual masksthat you can use to selectively adjust areas of the image you can also turn thefilter off and on again temporarily.I'm now going to use a couple of theprofessional adjustments starting with dodging burn and I'll use this to lighten the rocksin the image slightly in certain areas   next I'll apply one of my favoritefilters which is the advanced contrast filter   once I'm happy with the adjustments Ican export the photo to an image file the original raw file together with anyadjustments I've made stays in my luminaire for library.

 Maybe many people have a question (How to download Luminar 4?) and (How to download Luminar 4 for pc?) so you can download Luminar 4 from browsers essay.

 Maybe i'll post full Luminar 4 tutorial soon...

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Vinay bhatt
August 25, 2020 at 4:58 PM ×


August 25, 2020 at 9:31 PM ×

Luminar is actually good
