I used to be recentlyint he outstandingly beautifulGenoa, Nevada where Ishot this photo of an old wagon using my phone. As you'll see, the first photo wasn'tmuch, but, i used to be readyto enhance it and make it look amazing using Lightroom CC. duringthis tutorial, we're gettingto focus onthe Lightroom CC mobile app but you'll follow along usingthe Lightroom CC desktop or theweb app. Ifyou're in Photoshop, you'll use CameraRaw to follow along. All an equivalent adjustments and controls canbe found there. Okay.Let's start . So, as you'll see, I'm in Lightroom CC. this is often what the app seems like once you openit up. And you'll then tap on all photos so youcan see all ofyour photos and you'll see that on the highest right I even have the after image andon the left I even have the before. So, obviously, we'll work with the before. So, this is often what the first photo lookslike. And in Lightroom CC you've got the panels hereat rock bottom that control the image. Bythe way, ifyou are not conversant in howLightroom CC works or the wayto edit images, then inspect myfree course on Lightroom CC.

 It's an hour long and that i cover everysingletool and what it does. I'll place a linkright below within the description. Also, i used to be hired by Adobe to make shortcourses on Lightroom CC and you'll find them on the Adobe website. At the time of this recording, there's onlyone course that has been published but prettysoon I'll have a other on there. I'll also place a link down below to Adobe'swebsite where you'll find mycourses. But anyway. We're gettingto start with the crop tool, soI'm gettingto tap on the crop icon and from this crop tool, we will click and dragto rotatethe image if we'd like to, to straighten the horizon and that we can use the handles to cropthe image. Since I wanted to post this image on Instagram,I'm gettingto click on the first icon to mention the various crops and I'll selectthe one to at least one crop. Then, you'll click and drag on the cornerhandles to manage how the image are goingto be cropped. then tap and dragto position the imagewithin the crop. When you're done, just tap on the checkmarkto commit the changes. Then, I'm gettingto enter the worldwide adjustmentswhich start from auto. Global adjustment simply means thesesettings will affect the whole image. afterward within the tutorial, we're gettingto focuson local adjustments, which specialise in specific areas. So, for now, we're doingglobal adjustments. the primarythingthat I'm gettingto do is tapon the sunshine icon and that we have these sliders that control the luminosity of the image. what proportion light there's within the image. for instance , with the exposure slider, youcan dragto the proper to extend light and dragto the left to scale backlight. To reset a slider, double tap thereon . What I'm gettingto do is scroll down and decreasethe highlights to usher in more detail into the brighter areas of the image. 

 Specifically within the sky. Ifyou hold the image with one finger, youcan see the before, release to ascertain the after. And I'll also bring detail into the shadowsby draggingthe shadow slider to the proper . So, now I'm bringingintimately within the darkerareas of the image. And in your image, you obviously may needto adjust different settings. Then we've the colour tab. Tap thereon and you'll see the sliders thatcontrol color. I'm gettingto start by makingthe image warmerby draggingthe temp slider to the proper , so I'm gettingto tap and dragto the proper . This warms up the image. Then, I also can increase the vibrance. Vibrance may be a smart way of addingsaturation. It adds more saturation to pixels that don'thave tons of saturation and in portraits, it protects skin tones. I'm gettingto scroll to the highest of the listand I'm gettingto tap on the combination icon that provides me access to the colour mixer.From here, Ican select the colour , like bluefor example, and that i can adjust the hue of the blue.check out the sky, how it's sufferingfrom it. 

 The saturation. and therefore the luminance. and i am double tapping on the sliders to reset them. duringthis case I'm onlygettingto increase thesaturation just a touch by draggingthe saturation slider to the proper . And reduce the luminance to darken up theskyjust a touch bit. Then I'll adjust the oranges, which controlsthe bottom half the image. So, Ican increase the saturation to saturatethose oranges and reduce the luminance to also make them darker. I'll tap on the yellows and I'll make theyellows even warmer by draggingthe hue slider to the left. Increase the saturation and reduce the luminance. You can, once more , just tap and hold onthe image to ascertain the before and release to ascertain the after. Then tap done. Now, we'll advance in to the results tabwhereascertain the before and release to determine the after. Then tap done.

 I'm gettingto increase the clarity which addscontrast within the mid tones and it just makes the image pop. Next, I'm gettingto tap on the detail tab andincrease the sharpening, so I'll dragthe sharpeningslider to the proper . Also, once you add sharpeningto a picture ,you really do not know what you're affecting. It's applyingthe sharpening effect to theentire image and sometimes you'll not want that. Ifyou're usingthe desktop app or in Photoshop,you actually have a slider that helps you control where to u.It's the maskingslider. But when you adjust it, nothingreally happens. Ifyou're in a desktop app, you can use akeyboard shortcut to show you how that maskis applied but holding Alt or the option key. But in a phone, we don't have keyboard shortcuts. So, ifyou want to see how that maskingisapplied, drag on the maskingslider and then tap and hold on the photo and then you'llbe able to see the masking. So, the maskingsimply means that anythingthat is in black, will not be affected by the sharpening effect and anythingthat isin white will be affected bythe sharpening effect. And that's what we want. And then you can come back and adjust thesharpening. Also, you can tap and hold when you're adjustingthe sharpening and you'll be able to see a black and white version of the image whichwill make it easier to see where you're applyingthe sharpening effect. And now it's time to work with the local adjustments,so now that we've affected the entire image, now it's time to work with specific areas.

 So, what I'll do is I'll tap to the rightto move all the panels and then I'll tap on this first icon which is a local adjustment,or a selective edit, as it's known in the mobile app. Then, tap on this plus icon, and select the Radial Gradient. Then you can tap and dragto the right andyou can control how that radialgradient is applied. The red overlayindicates what pixels you'regoingto be affecting. So, I'm goingto tap and dragto a affectthese areas. Then, I'm goingto go into the light panel,and I'll increase the exposure, just to brighten up that area because I want to enhance thebrightness of the sun. Then I'm goingto brighten up the shadowsagain to enhance the brightness. Then I'm goingto move onto the color taband I'm goingto dragthe temp slider to the right to warm up the image and make it seemlike a bright sun. Then, Ican also increase the saturation inthe details tab.

 Ica also increase the sharpness, just tomake that area much sharper. Then I'll tap on the plus icon once againand this time I'll create a linear gradient. I'm goingto tap here and drag up so thatI affect the bottom part of the image and you can tap on this pin to reposition thegradient so, I'll, I want to affect that bottom half of the image. I'm goingto start by goinginto the lightpanel and increasingthe exposure to brighten up that area. Then I'll darken the shadows to create somecontrast. I'll move on into the color tab and increasethe temperature to warm that area up even further. In the effects tab, I'll increase the de-hazeslider. De-haze is usually used for removing hazefrom a photo. In this case, we're goingto use it to createmore contrast and more detail. So I'm goingto dragthat de-haze slider tothe right. In the details tab, Ican also add a littlebit ofsharpness to get more detail on the ground and on the plants. Then tap on the checkmarkto commit the changes. Once again, if I tap and hold on the image,you can see the before and the after.

 I' goingto tap on the local adjustments,the selective edits. And even though I really don't need it inthis image, I'm goingto show you the paintbrush where you can paint and edit and then usethese sliders to control those specific areas. Again, I don't need it in this case, I justwanted to show you that you could do that. I'm justgoingto tap on the undo button soIcan undo those changes. Once again, that's before and after. When you're done, you want to obviously putyour photo on Instagram. You can do that very easily. Allyou do is click on the three dot menuand select save to device. Then you can save the image to your deviceby pressing OK. Then you can open up Instagram and uploadthe photo just like you would any other photo in your camera roll. And just like that, you can turn your averageshot into an amazing photo usingthe Lightroom CC mobile app.Let me know down in the comments below ifyou like the Lightroom CC mobile or what your favorite mobile editing app is.
