Raw image editing in Lightroom.

  Hello there everybody! Today we'regoing to edit this picture right here and we're gonna make it look like this.... yes so that's what we're gonna do and we'regonna do it in lightroom only - no other tools will be used with this picture.


I didnot take it myself this picture is one of Clre Fihs - this particular imagewas from a product shoot for the makers of this collar and this coat and we'rebasically going to take this flat image because of the lighting conditions atthe time and we're gonna make it go wow that's kind of it I'm going to move right on over into thedevelop module right now so we're in the develop section as you can seeI've done nothing to this picture and I'm just going to edit this like how Iwould normally edit it now as it's a product shot usually they're going to beon an online gallery so generally the image aspect ratio will be square. Forthe purposes of this actual tutorial though I'm just going to use a 10 by 8landscape.

so to switch between landscape and portrait just press X on yourkeyboard - and the reason why I've gone with that basically is because thatstill has this most of the coat in. I mean the main detail on the coat is thisarea so I'm probably just gonna go in like that so okey dokey I'mgonna go ahead and just start working on some little things - so very very flat soI need desperately need to add some punch back into this image now I coulddo that with the tone curve or I could just go ahead and start using my slidersso we could drop the blacks down because there wasn't any I mean let's behonest that's grey so if you look there's nothing in the blacksection of that histogram we're gonna give some blacks back - so that's bringingthe blacks in and we're gonna also bring down the highlights because what thatdoes, that I'll move the histogram over and I'll bring back some of this sky I'malso gonna bring some of the shadows down a little bit the mid-tone area youknow.

 I'm not too fussed about at the moment you could lift it though if youreally wanted to but I'm only gonna go back and add more over it. For this imagewe probably would want to not knock texture out of it so in my normal work Iprobably would just reduce the texture on that so I'm going to leave that goingto go into detail so I'm gonna zoom in again big screen so I'm gonna go in to200% I'm gonna up the sharpening on the whole image quite a bit I'm gonnaincrease the radius by holding down my Alt key I'm just getting to the pointwhere I'm quite happy with that the detail will probably bring out the noiseyup so we can just go ahead and bin it off halfway - noise reduction yes I wantto assess some of this situation happening here so I'm going to increasemy luminance and then I'm gonna hold down.

my Alt key use the detail tab tobring in some detail and then the contrast to bring in some contrast howare we going okay I'm happy with that that's good that's good I'm gonna addmore sharpening though - beautiful that's nice that's nice. Going to add a vignette,slight negative vignette, just around the edge like so... before and afterwhat are we like a few minutes into the whole image? We don't want to mess withthe color too much but I'm gonna make it warmer because people like warm picturesand it makes them feel happy I don't know if that's scientifically proven butI'm pretty sure it should be and we're gonna start working on the background soin Lightroom we want to go ahead to the radial filter - I'm gonna bang thatover the subjects head which is right here and I'm gonna drop these the highlightsagain a little bit more we need to move that in a bit - we just wantto really leave this dog's face alone like so totally different - I'm gonna bringthat back a little bit exposure because it's not needed that much I'm gonna justdraw the texture everything outside it just a little bit not too much I'm gonnago and get the brush tool nice big brush nice big brush justwhile I know what I'm looking at on my just got exposure quite low just so thatI know what I'm looking at I'm gonna go over the areas of the image which arefar brighter than the subject which is about there the before-and-after onI'm just gonna remove it off the ear so I'm gonna go erase - I'm just gonnaerase - I have absolutely no idea why I'm singing I'm really sorry about thisbecause I don't usually sing like ever I'm just happy. I'm gonna put that brushback on using my square brackets to change the size of the brush I'm justgonna go back to closer to the edges there perfect - new brush we're gonna gowith sharpen eyes brush - I really need to save that preset and I'm gonnasave this preset now - there is a video.

 I will link to it above with a preset for thisI'm just gonna make a preset right now so bear with me two secs looking good I want more contrast like Ijust feel there's not enough going on for me here in this picture I'm gonna goahead and use the tone curve before and after - this is looking reallynice we're really nice as this is a product shot probably would just goahead and up the texture and clarity on the product because it's like leathersort of effect I'm really happy with that like I wouldjust stop now to be honest because do you need to do anything else? It would benice to take the edge of that collar off as this was a product shoot there shouldreally be a product stylist on the shoot ideally you would just rubber band thatto the neck at the other side - I might go back to the background brushthat I made and I'm just gonna play a little bitabout softening off the background even more than I already have done becausewhy not - when you drop the clarity it also drops the contrast so just keepthat in mind and when you increase the contrast that increases the saturationso also keep that in mind I'm just gonna go ahead and do a littlebit of contouring on the dog and I'm just going to raise the eye alittle bit more and there's still a bit of blue comingthrough the coat so I'm just gonna tweak that color level again to be slightlywarmer' - yeah right stop - beautiful so before and after on thatlet's go with a split shot amazing amazing.

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August 23, 2020 at 8:38 PM ×

I think it's sound good!!!

August 24, 2020 at 8:36 AM ×

Ha jenish good work bhai
Keep it up
Good blass you many more creative વેબસાઇટ create you i wishing to good
