Photo Manipulation In Photoshop. [Easy Manipulation In Photoshop]

we are here in the magical world of Photoshop we are going to use two different images for today's project go to the model image we need to select the model and remove the background to do that go to toolbar take quick selection tool make the brush bigger to adjust the brush size press alt or option in your keyboard and press right button on your mouse click and drag left or right to adjust the brush.

Photo Manipulation In Photoshop

 Now click and drag and select the model we just select the model but you can see there is some area also selected we don't want this area to be selected toun select this area press alt or option in your keyboard then click and drag it will un select the unwanted area now select the model properly now we are done we select the model apply a layer mask now take this image and paste it to the background press ctrl or command + T and adjust the size to fit with the background now delete the layer mask select apply press ctrl or command in your keyboard then click to the thumbnail of the mode layer it will make a selection create a new blank layer go to edit fill and fill it with black it ok press ctrl or command + T then press the right button on your mouse select flip vertically place it to down to create a shadow of the model go to filter blur and select Gaussian blur in crease the amount of 30 pixels decrease.

 The opacity around 80% select the first layer go to the adjustment layer and take the color balance now adjust the first and last slider into minus 15 plus 15 create a new blank layer go to edit fill and fill with 50% gray hit OK change the blending mood into soft light press alt or option in your keyboard come to the middle of 2 layers and press it will create a clipping mask also create a clipping mask the color balance layer into the model layer we are going to adjust the model to match with the background select the first gray color layer go to the tool bar take the burn tool go closer now if you apply the burn tool it will darken the area if you take the Dodge tool and apply it will lighten the area now apply Dodge and burn tool all over the model to create a perfect effect to match the model with the background now we are done you can see it matches the model with the background next create a new blank layer go to the tool bar and take thrush tool take a soft brush make the brush bigger change the foreground color into white then click it will create alight effect.

 Put the light back to the model change the blending mood into soft light we need to make some adjustment for the hard hair edges go to the toolbar take smudge tool select the model layer and apply next select the first layer go to the toolbar take the Dodge tool and apply the Dodge to the edges of the model we are done to match the subject with the background go to the adjustment layer take brightness and contrast clipping masks it to the model layer increase the contrast go to adjustment layer again take car adjustment increase the highlight create a new blank layer go to the tool bar take pen tool create five points press the right button on your mouse and select make a selection go to edit fill and fill it with white color deselect the selection select the layer go to filter blur and Gaussian blur increase the amount and create an effect like that you can choose as you like change the blending mood into soft light decrease the opacity around 15% now we are going to create our ayna fact create a new blank layer take brush tool press right button on your maps select terrain effect brush you can also adjust the brush using the rotation slider and if you want these brushes so comment below now adjust the brush and apply we applied our rain effect select the layer go to filter blur and Gaussian blur take radius into 1 pixels hit OK decrease.

 The opacity around 75% create a new blank layer go to the tool bar brush tool take water drop splash make the brush smaller and apply it to the ground select the layer go to filter blur and Gaussian blur take 1 pixels hit OK decrease the opacity around 75% next we need to merge all the layer into one layer to merge all the layer into 1 press Shift + ctrl + Alt +E if you are using mac you need to press Shift + command + option + E it will merge all the layer into one layer press the right button on your mouse and convert it into a smart object go to filter select the camera or filter now we are going to adjust the overall colour using Camera Raw filter you can follow my step to adjust the colour next and the final step we to create avignette you can use this technique to create a perfect vignette decrease the amount first then decrease the feather - 100% now you can adjust the vignette increase the feather 100% adjust amounthit OK now we are done let's see you can create multiple manipulations using the same method now we just created our aim effect with complete image manipulation we put two images into one and create this awesome composition you can use simple technique to create more composition

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