3D Photo Editing In Photoshop.

 Today we're going to learn how to take a flattwo dimensional texture and convert that to real 3D with Photosho. First, have the surface interact with other 3d objects. And number two, most importantly, you canadd lights from any direction and go as complex as possible. With that, we will also learn how to use the3D features to create realistic shadows and composites. So here we are back in the brilliant worldof Photoshop. And before we begin, let's take a moment tounderstand and accept the fact that Photoshop 3D is slow as hell. Now, all you need is a smile on your face,and a lot of patience to work with Photoshop 3D.

3D Photo editing in photoshop.

 Let's begin! So here we have a simple wall in the background. And on top of that, we have the subject cutout. Very simple composite, now, we're going toconvert this wall into 3D we're going to add some actual bumps. It and here's how to do that. Now for the process, I've turned off the subjectlayer because we don't want that to disturb it at the moment, we will turn that on later. With the "Wall" layer selected, press Controlor Command J. And now let's name this wall bump. All right, because we're going to use thislayer to create a bump map. Now, with the one bump selected, let's goto Filter, 3D, and choose generate bump map. Now how do you want the texture to be in 3d? It's going to give you a live preview of that. Have a look at this, the sphere is givingyou a live preview of how your texture will be when you convert that to 3D. Now if you want to see it in an actual wallformat, there are lots of objects that you can try here.

 So, right now sphere is selected. Let's choose Cube. So that that's this will give you a more realisticview of how your texture is going to look like right here. You see that? Now you can change the blur and the detailscale the lesser the Blur, the more the details you have, the more the little details areenhanced. I usually leave it at 0.5 and 80%. What we're going to do is change it back tosphere because I think it's an easier way to look at it. Now here's an important setting roof righthere, contrast details, so, you can play with the highs. If you take it up, you see more details showup if you take it down, lesser detail show up, you can play with the high medium andlow contrast details to see what looks good for your texture. So let's take the medium a little up and let'stake it down to see what looks good to us. Once you're happy with the texture once youthink that it's looking okay, just hit okay right there. Now this is the bump map. Now we need to use this to generate a threedimensional surface. With the wall bump selected, we will go to3D and then new mesh from layer and then depth map to plane because that's what a wall isright? plane! So let's choose plane right there. Now do you want to switch to a 3d workspace? Yes, of course that would be convenient. 

 Now have a look at the 3d surface! isn't thatamazing? But I think there's too much bump right there,we need to just decrease it a little bit, but look at it, we just generated it out ofa two dimensional surface. This is amazing! So to adjust the bump, you can actually clickon the surface, and then see that second square right there, second cube, just have to clickand drag, take it in, and probably take it out. I think this much is fine. You can use these tools to rotate and seewhat looks best to you. So I can move it around and see what looksgood to me. Now, the wall in the background is disturbingme. So I'm just going to go down, scroll downand turn off the original wall so that it's clear. All right, let's come back to the wall bumpright there. You can also increase the bump decrease thebump only have to do again is just click on it and use the square to just drag it outand drag it in. Now let's open the 3D properties to get moreoptions.

 So let's go to Window and make sure 3D ischecked. This will open up the 3D properties. We can just stick it in here. Now you can click on default camera to setit to the default camera view. Also, let's make it narrower so that you cansee more of it. All right, that's pretty cool. Click on this tool, which is slide the cameraand then, just make sure nothing is selected, and then click and drag and hold the shiftkey to bring it closer uniformly. Once you're happy with the view, you can createa new view out of it. So you can choose View right here inside ofthe properties if you cannot see the properties Go to Window and then make sure Propertiesis checked, click on the drop down and choose Save. And we can name this anything you want. So I'M going to name this Unmesh View. Hit Okay. Now, we can come back to this view anytimeby clicking on this view. Anytime you are rotating and checking stuff,you want to come back to that view, just click on that view, it will get you back to thatnow if you click on the wall bump that the material symbol, let's click on that thereare a lot of things that you can do here.


 Now, if we just covered this that's goingto be a whole new different tutorial. But for now, we're going to do with just afew things. All right. Now you can control how much shiny you wanthow much reflection you want. Of course, we don't want any reflection onthe wall. If you want it, you can play with the settings. Here, I want to change the specular. Let's click on that I don't want any specularhighlights, so I'm going to change it to absolutely black. Now the other thing that we can do here isplay with the light. So click on Infinite Light, you can play withthe direction of the light. And also once we have the light selected,you can control the intensity of the light by taking the slider to the right look atthe intensity, right there. You can also control the color of the light. Right now the texture is just the bump mapif you want to have the original wall show up, the original texture, all you have todo is to replace the texture to that. So let's go down in the Layers panel. And let's just select the wall let's turnit on if you want to. And just for your reference, I'm going toturn off the wall bump. So this is the original one.

 You can press Control or Command A to selectall of it, Control or Command C. Now that we have copied it we can press Control orCommand D, to deselect that, we can turn on the wall bump, select that layer. Hit Okay. Now here, we can actually place it, Controlor Command V, you don't have to delete the original one, just paste it. Now once you have pasted it, this is justlike smart objects, press Control or Command S to save it. Now as soon as you save it, if you come backto that you see that update to the original texture. Now let's get back to the Infinite Light andyou can control the intensity of the light as well. If you don't want this texture, you can replaceit to whatever you want. If you don't want this texture, that is finetoo. Now we have another light here if you go tothe environment, we have this image based light as well. Now I don't want that light. So I'm just turn off. And also I'm going to set the global ambient,I don't need any ambient light, to black. That's fine. Let's come back to Infinite Light and controlit accordingly. Now it's time for us to bring in the subjectand create a composite using Photoshop 3D.

 So let's go ahead and turn on the subjectlayer. Of course, we need to convert this into 3Das well. Not as a bump, but just as a postcard, justas a plane. So with the subject selected, let's go to3D, new mesh from layer, and then postcard. All right, now this is a plane, but the subjectis not interacting with the wall. Why? Because they are not merged. Here's the thing, if you can work two 3D layers,and if you merge them, they don't Rasterize, you can still edit them separately. So the subject were selected, hold the controlor command select the wall bump. Both of them are now selected. Now press Control or Command E and ok. The subject is huge and just on the placeof the wall, we need to adjust that. So, with the subject mesh selected, you canclick on this button to adjust the size and the coordinates of it. So let's click on this button. Now, click on this button again and choosescale. Alright, and we're going to make the subjectsmaller, click and drag on the X and take it to the left. Now, the subject is smaller. Now we need to bring forward, right? we needto bring the subject forward. So you can use this arrow or let me rotateand show that to you. So subject is at the same place as the wall,we need to use this arrow right there and bring her forward just like this. Let's click on Unmesh selectedView. And now we can bring it even forward if wewanted to. Now this is huge, right? So we need to just adjust the size and makeit smaller. Alright, that looks good. Let's make her even smaller. I just wanted to bring her a little downwards. With the green arrow.

 Let's bring her down and it looks fantastic. So with the Infinite Light selected, we canof course control the direction of light. Secondly, we can also control how soft itis, if you click on the light right there, we can increase the softness. Of course, it doesn't look good now, but whenyou render it, it's going to look okay, so let's try rendering it and let's see how thislooks at the moment. Now, if you want to stop the rendering process,press the Escape key. This is looking pretty okay, but I guess wecan bring the subject even forward. So let's bring her forward so that we canhave longer shadows. And now, let's make her a little smaller. For this subject mesh selected, let's justtake the X and drag it to the left- hand side.

 Alright, that looks better. Now to make it even more dramatic, insteadof adding an infinite light. How about we add a spotlight? Wouldn't that be amazing? So let's just go ahead and you can actuallyclick on this "eye" to turn off the Infinite Light right now. There is no light. That's why it's absolutely black. We're going to click on the light button rightthere and choose, New Spotlight. Now this is a spotlight right at the front. All right, we don't want that we need to adjustit. So with the spotlight selected, first, letus adjust the position according to the front view. So with this to selected, and just rotateit so that the transformations are at 90 degrees. This is OK. Now with the third to selected, I'm just goingto drag the spotlight right here. I think it should be right here at the top.

 Let's zoom out just a little bit. All right, I think this is a good place for,let's say, a soft box or something like that. If I were to just place a soft box, it wouldbe right here probably. Now let us adjust the position according tothe side view. So with this tool, orbiting tool right there,let's turn it to the side. Let's zoom out to see how far this is. Now this is actually very, very far in myopinion. Let's turn it side to see how far this is. So here's the subject as you can see, andthis is the wall. So what I would do, I would bring it evencloser, just like this. This is how I would Place a soft box. Now let's look at the top view, click on thisorbit tool. The top view seems to be fine. Probably I'll move it a little bit to thatside. Ok. Now let's click on Unmesh View and let's getback to the original view. Now we need to change the direction we justneed to rotate the light in the same position. And the way to do that is having the lightsselected first and choose the first tool right there. Now you can just adjust it in the same location. I think this would be a good direction forthe light. I like it.

 Now, you can actually make the inner coneand the outer cone bigger or smaller. How do you want the hotspot to be? How small or big you want the hotspot to be? So I want to keep the hotspot really reallysmall. You can choose the third tool if you wantto. You can easily work with that. So very small hotspot and the outside, a bigger,a softer light. Now, with the soft light still selected, youcan go to the properties right there, click on the soft light icon and choose how softyou want the shadows to be. I want them to be really really soft, justlike this. Now once you're happy with your settings andthe placement, just click on render just have a look already it's creating such a dramaticlight. So here is my final render, I just tweakedthe settings just a little bit, adjusted the bump and the intensity and the position oflight. Apart from that, I also adjusted the mask.

 I thught it was not very proper, but youget the general idea of how you can use 3D with composites and you can convert any 2Dtexture which is flat enough to a 3d surface. All you have to do is to first duplicate thetexture and then simply go to Filter, 3D and inside of 3D you will see, generate bump map. Now after you have generated the bump mapto your liking. You can then go to 3d, new mesh from layer,and then, depth map to you can choose, right now it's actually grayed out because nothingis selected. However, let's say this is selected you wouldgo to 3D, new mesh from layer, depth map to, plane and that will convert that into a  surface. And from there you can control the bump, thelighting, or add some more 3d elements to it. The possibilities are limitless!

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