Difference Between Save As & Export As | Save As Vs Export As.

 Let's dive into the terribly initial parameter. that's distinction in file formats. therefore if you move and visit File, and insideof that, if you visit Export and Export As, you have got simply these choices. Have a glance at these file formats. you have got JPEG, PNG, GIF and SVG. However, if you visit File - Save As, youhave tons of choices right there. therefore there you go. that is the distinction within the file formatsand the choices that you just have right in there.

Save As Vs Export As

 therefore these ar the choices that you just have inSave As, and these ar the choices that you just have in Export As. Now, do confine mind, the foremost take awayhere is that once you are victimization Export As, there's no choice to save the document insuch the way that you just will go back to to the layers, that you just will go back to to the shapes and thefilters that you just have intercalary, simply the method it's. there's no choice. However, if you decide on Save As, there areoptions to try to to that. for instance, the PSD format, right, Photoshopdocument, you have got the PSB format, you have got the quarrel format. You get the purpose. So, what I in person do is that once I haveto save a document in an exceedingly method that I will work thereon later, i might use Save As.

 If I even have to publish, if I even have to only bakein the JPEG, if I even have to only bake within the PNG, then i'll use Export As. Let's locomote to consecutive one. consecutive one is mercantilism at completely different sizes,all quickly. And this feature is merely accessible in ExportAs. Let's take a glance. therefore maybe we have a tendency to visit File, and Save As. there's no choice to be ready to save as differentsizes. However, let's move and hit Cancel rightthere. If you visit File - Export, and Export As,you can conjointly use the cutoff. Have a glance, this can be the cutoff. I cannot recollect it. you have got the choice on the manus sidewhich is Scaling. you'll have the first resolution, whichis 1x. additionally thereto, you'll have additional. If you click on the '+', then if you decide on,maybe i would like five hundredth of that, 0.5 as well.

 If you would like to feature an extra, perhaps I wantto add a smaller size of that, 0.1 times. perhaps i would like to feature additional. perhaps you would like to enlarge it. i do not see why you'd do this, however maybesome of you would possibly have AN use for it. therefore enlarge it by one.5 times, and every one of thesesizes are saved. If i'm going ahead and hit Export, I even have createda folder known as Sample. Let's move and put it aside right there. choose Folder and it's mercantilism all of thesesizes. Let's move and open that folder and seewhat it's saved. Have a glance at the Sample folder and as youcan clearly see, this can be the first one, this can be the zero.1 times, this can be the zero.5 times. You see each size right there.

 If you right click on the Properties of theoriginal one, and let's move and conclude the Properties, you'll see that if yougo to the main points, have a glance at the size - 3840 x 2160. All right. If you consider zero.1 times dimensions, rightclick thereon, then select Properties, then if you move and appearance at the main points..see, just 0.1 times of that, 384 x 216. So, simply a fast reminder, once you are usingExport As, it provides you the choice to save lots of at completely different sizes, all at a similar time consecutive one is Export As conjointly provides you theoption to save lots of multiple layers or artboards. therefore I will show that to you. therefore right here, we've got tons of layers. we've got the topic Before, we've got the ColorGrading layer, we've got the Arrow layer, right. So, if I simply move and choose the Arrowlayer, that is that this Arrow. By the way, this can be the primary slide of mypresentation at Adobe GHB last year.

 So, if we have a tendency to simply move and select the Arrow,and then we've got the Text layer, let's select each of those. Arrow, hold the Ctrl or Command, choose theText, and each of those layers ar currently hand-picked. If you right click thereon then select ExportAs, it is the same setting right in there. Have a glance, you'd see right down in here,both of them ar in here, and you'll save all of them at just the once. And altogether of those sizes, as well. i do not need all of those sizes. I simply need 1x, the first one. All right. and that we need to stay the transparency. Since JPEG doesn't support transparency,we can modification the format to be PNG. And you'll see, have a glance, it's currently clear. And you'll export it by merely clicking onExport.

 Let's cancel it. Now, this also works if you're working withdifferent outputs. So, let's go ahead and go to File - New. And this time, we're going to choose Art & Illustration,and maybe we're going to choose a 2000 pixel grid. We want to create artboards. So let's check it. Click on Create. We have one artboard. Let's draw one more. So with the help of the artboard to writein there, inside of the Move tool group, let's draw one more artboard right in there. Two artboards. Let's choose the first artboard and insideof that, let's take the Brush and just draw 1. All right, this is the first one, and withthe second artboard, if we select that, and we can create a new layer inside of it, putit inside artboard two, and there, we can draw 2. So, this is the second one. Now if you go to File - Export - Export As,you will see that both of these artboards are going to show up. Artboard 1, artboard 2.

 And you can save both of them at the sametime, and also, that too with different sizes if you want to. Now, let's come down to number 4, which isResizing Options, and as you've guessed already, Save As does not have resizing options andthis is one of the most useful features in Export As. Let's take a look. Let's go to File - Save As, have a look. There is no resizing option. However, if you go to File - Export - ExportAs, you will see.. even if I'm not creating all of these sizes, let's go ahead and deleteall of these.. there is this Image Size option during Export. So I can change the width, the height. Now, the size of it is reduced to a YouTubethumbnail size. And then you can also change the size by usingthe scale right there. So you can make it 50%.

 You can make it 33%. You see how it's working?  See, when you go to Image - Image Size, andthen when you just resize something, what is the math that you're going to use whenyou enlarge it or make it smaller? By default, I leave it to Bicubic Automatic. You can try different ones and see how theyaffect your image by zooming in and looking at the Preview. Now this, my friend, is a very helpful feature. Let's say I'm working on a very high resolutionimage and I want to save a YouTube thumbnail version of that. So we are creating a video and if you wantto upload it to social media or even if you want to to Instagram, you can directly changethe image size from here instead of having to resize it first and then export it.

 You can save a lot of time by doing this righthere. Let's say you want to upload your profilephoto. And many of those forms have this limit, likethe photo you upload should not be larger than, let's say, 100KB, or should not be largerthan 200KB or whatever the limit is. It also has some dimension limits and allof them. So, you can directly dial in those numbersright there and you can make sure that you're not losing the quality as well. Also, there are a lot of websites where youjust upload photos and they have a 5MB limit, or they have a dimension limit and now youknow how to set the dimension limit.

 But, let's say you want to have the best qualityand not compromise with the size, here's how to do it. File - Export - Export As. So let's say I want to save this image in4k, which is 3840 x 2160 pixels. However, I want the file size to be under1MB. Right now the file size, as you can see, is4MB. By decreasing the quality. Now, it is great that Export As feature givesyou the option to look at the image, look at the live preview of the image, meaningit will show you how will the image look when you open it after exporting. Isn't that pretty cool? So, let's say what happens with 71% quality? What are the quality losses here? So, I cannot see any loss. This is pretty good and also at the same timethe file size is reduced to 1.2MB.

 So, we can go even lower. 762KB and I don't see much significant qualityloss right here as well. Maybe we can try a little higher, and youget the point. So I'm going to go for 60% and let's see whatit does. The size is also reasonable.. 841. There is max quality. We love it and then you can just hit Export. It will still be 4k. Just a little bit reduction of quality, butit comes under 1MB, which is what we wanted. Pretty cool, isn't it? So the take away here is that Export As givesyou a live preview when you keep on decreasing the quality. That way you don't have to go to File - SaveAs and start experimenting with the quality, decreasing it a little bit, then opening theimage again, seeing how it is, maybe increasing it a little bit.

 It's a whole another process. Instead you can do it live, in real time. Now let's move on to number six. I know these differences sound like I'm biasedtowards Export As and it sounds like they paid me a lot of money to say things aboutExport As, but it's not the truth. Anyway, far from the truth. File - Export - Export As, and the sixth parameteractually is that Export As lets you change the canvas size. You can change the width, you can change theheight.

 See, more of the canvas is going to show up. You can also take it to the opposite direction,or choose a very low number. Let's choose 1000 right there. And it's probably going to crop. You see what it's doing? Well, this is a feature I don't use, but youmight find it useful. So there it is. The seventh one is a simple one. So, let's say if we dig the Metadata of thisphoto, so let's go to File - File Info, there is no Metadata at the moment. So you can fill in the details.

 All right. Now, if you go to File - Save As and saveit as a JPEG, we have selected JPEG right there, and let's save it as EX1. Let's click on Save. Let the quality be maximum. Hit OK. Now if we again go to this folder and openthis image in Photoshop, the file metadata will be there. Let's close it. I don't want to save it. So, let's open that all over again, EX1, thatwas the file. Let's open that up in Photoshop and once youopen it, if you go to File file info, you will see John Doe is there. However, if you go to File - Export, and ExportAs, you have the ability to hide the Metadata. So let's say you don't want to save all theMetadata that you put in right there. So you can choose Metadata - None, or youcan have the copyright and the content info inside of that Metadata. So let's say, we put a Copyright info.

 Let's go to File - File Info, and then insideof the Copyright Status we see Copyrighted, we select Copyrighted, and Copyright Notice,we type in PiXimperfect. All right. Hit OK. Now have a look, the 'C' shows that this iscopyrighted. Now, let's go to File - Export - Export As..if the save it right now and we choose Metadata - None, we don't want the copyright information,and we hit Export, and we save it as EX2 - Save, and let's go ahead and open EX2 and you willsee, all of those information is gone. And drop it inside of Photoshop, and now havea look, the copyright sign is not there. Even if you go to File - File Info, the JohnDoe is gone ,there is no copyright information and none of that.

 Moving to number eight. The next feature, which is only availableon Export As, is the ability to convert to sRGB during Export. So let's say you're working on an image whichis in ProPhoto RGB. Let's click on this arrow right there andchoose Document Profile, we'll be able to have a look.. ProPhoto RGB. Now, many of the online platforms like Instagramor Facebook renders colors the best if you save it as sRGB. So you don't have to go to Edit and then Convertto Profile, choose sRGB and then change back the document and do all of that mess or maybeduplicate the document for an sRGB conversion. Don't have to do that. If you go to File - Export - Export As, youhave the option right there and then to be able to convert to sRGB, have a look at thisbox right there, just check it - Convert to sRGB, and it would be fine. If you do not convert it and upload it toInstagram, your image might look like this. So make sure you convert to sRGB. Now, if your software or online platform supportsProPhoto RGB or any medium, for instance, Photoshop supports sRGB, then you don't haveto convert it. All you have to do is to check Embed ColorProfile. It means that it's going to tell the softwareor the platform that this image is ProPhoto RGB. That's it. I've made a complete video about it.

 You can check it out right here. Moving on to number nine, and this propertyis in favor of Save As. So if you go to File, and then Save As, youhave the option, if you have look, to save it to Cloud Documents. And this is only available if you're usingthe later versions of Photoshop, which is CC 2020. So you can easily save it in your Adobe CreativeCloud by simply clicking on Save to Cloud Documents, and then you can choose where tosave it. And you get the point. Moving on to property number 10, which wehave touched on a little before and that is embedding the color profile. Both of these options have that. So, it's an even thing right there. So, if you go to File - Save As, you havethe option to embed the color profile right there, which is ProPhoto RGB. And even in there, this is just telling thesoftware which is going to open the image that this, my friend, is sRGB or ProPhotoRGB or whatever profile you're working on.

 It's a very similar thing that is embeddingthe color profile. So there you go, my friend, those are the10 parameters and how both of these options which is Save As and Export As stand in eachof these properties. Well to cut a long story short, here's thesimple thing that you need to remember if you're saving as PSD, PSB, TIFF or in a waywhich you want to keep all the layers and you want to be working in the document later,use Save As and for the rest of the other things, you can use Export As. Well, at least that's what I do. You can find any other use for it. That's up to you. You're welcome to use it. I hope this article helped you better understandthe differences between Save As and Export As.

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