5 Easy Visual Effects for Premiere Pro.

 We have got 5 more super easy visual effects that you can create inside Adobe Premiere Pro. Starting off with the first effect,the Harry Potter Invisible cloak! What you're going to needis a green screen and a dark fabric. We're using an old brown curtain for that. Put them on top of each other so thatone side is green and the other dark. Place your camera on a tripod andlet your actor put on the green screen. Keep the camera rolling and jump out ofthe frame to have an empty shot as well.

5 tips for Premiere pro editing.

 Now jumping into Premiere Pro, you place the empty shot onthe bottom of your timeline, and your green screen shot on top of that. Search for the Ultra Key effectand drag it to the top clip. With the color picker from the Ultra Keyyou can select the green to remove it. And because we have that empty shotin the background, it now seems like we can seethrough that cloak. -Lorenzo, where are you? -Lorenzo, where are you? Lorenzo! Now, you don't always need to havea green screen to pull off a chroma key.

 If you can wait until there’sa clean blue sky outside, simply film your subjectfrom a low angle until that blue sky fills upthe entire background. Important is that you exposefor that background. So, it's best that you close your apertureor use an ND filter, which are essentially sunglassesfor your camera. If your subject is too much under exposed,then use a reflector to bounce some light back. You can also use a whitefoam board for that. Then going back into Premiere Pro,we can do the exact same thing. Drag the Ultra Key effect to your clipand, with the color picker select the blue to remove the sky. Underneath your clip, you can placea stock image or video of a different sky. This is a common techniquecalled sky replacement. [Thunder sound] A question that we often get is: what is the difference betweena blue key and a green key? Well, essentially there is no difference. In the old days we would usually pick blue,as film is more sensitive for blue colors, which makes it easier to pull off a key. Digital cameras, however, are moresensitive to green colors, which is why the green screenis so common.

 Now, blue screens are still used whenyour talent is wearing something green, as that is of course hard to keyin front of a green screen. Next up is a fun magic trick with colors. You wanna wear a deep saturated t-shirt. Make sure that the color of that T-shirt do not come back anywhere elsein the background of your video. Jumping back into Premiere Pro, with your clip selected, head overto the Lumetri panel. On the bottom you will findthe HSL Secondary tab. With the color picker, I canselect the color of that T-shirt. By enabling the mask under the color selectors,you will see what Lumetri has already selected. But it's probably not going to be ideal.

 So, from the top you can choosethe colors that need to be selected. The top arrow defines the selection. And the bottom arrow will feather thatselection for a smoother transition. The next selector is the saturation. Since our T-shirt is well saturated, I knowthat I have to select more of the right side. There're a few red elements visiblein the background, but since they are not as saturated,I can leave them out of the selection. And finally is the lightnessor exposure of the red color. Play around with these settingsuntil your mask selection looks good. You can then go aheadand disable the Mask View.

 On the bottom you will then seea bunch of color controls, which you can use to change the colorof the red T-shirt to your desire. -Did you know, I can do magic! -Nothing in my sleeves… [Clap, clap] If you want all the colors to bedesaturated, except for your T-shirt, then you wanna click onthe Invert Mask button. Now everything, but yourT-shirt is selected. This means we can just decreasethe saturation from the slider below to make everything black and white,except for that one red T-shirt! [Clap, clap, clap!] Lightning is quite easy to makeinside Premiere Pro.

 As there's literally an effect called Lightning. However it's pretty unstable, which isquite ironic for an effect called Lightning. And that's why we're first going to createa black video, or a black solid. Drag this on top of your impact clip. You can already go aheadand change the blending mode of the black solid to Linear Dodge, Add. On this layer, we're goingto add the Lightning effect. There's a start and end pointfor the lightning trail. When you select the effect, you can dragthose points from your program monitor. Place one on the top of your clipand the other one where it should impact. Normally we should animate one ofthe points to let the lightning come in.

 But that’s what doesn't work. And that is why I’m going to animatethe position of the black solid, starting from outside of the screen,back to the default position. To sell the effect even better, we're goingto add a small explosion to the impact. On Videoblocks I found thisstock clip which I can use. But you can also search the webfor a free alternative. Simply add this explosion to the impact,scale and reposition it. Finally, change the blending mode toScreen, to remove the black background. As a final touch, you could also adda global flash to your shot. For this, I'm creating a new color solidand choose White. Drag this white solid to the topof you timeline and change the length to onlybe a few frames. Under opacity, change the blending mode to Add and decrease the opacityto around 70 or 80.

 You could then animate the opacity from80 to 0, to make it fade out as well. [Lightning sound] Now, we added some fun practical effects to the lightning impact as well, which can't be done in Premiere Pro. These where created withthe magic trick called “The Cut”. In between two cuts,I changed my hair, added some smear to my faceand put some smoke into my mouth. One of the oldest tricks in the book, andwe also did an advanced tutorial about it. a while back, where we copiedmoney like Zach King. Film your subject from a tripodand throw a T-shirt at him.

 Important is that you make a bigmove, but suddenly freeze. Try to remember how you stand and thenput on the shirt that was thrown at you. Go stand back in the same position,but rewind a little bit. Start your movement again, and pretend like you immediatelycaught the T-shirt like this. In Premiere Pro, the only thing that you haveto do is cut away everything in between. And try to match the movementsof your actor. You can sell the effect better by addinga fake camera motion to it. Since everything was shot from a tripod. We've got a free preset pack, whichyou can download from our website. There’s a link in the description below. This works by simply creatingan adjustment layer, which you can place on topof your entire video. Then drag one of the handheld presets to that adjustment layer. And those were the 5 super easyvisual effects inside Premiere Pro.

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September 9, 2020 at 8:10 PM ×

It's really working

Congrats bro Anonymous you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...